Angelina Usanova, Musician and Miss Eco Universe UA, shot for the very first cover of #VogueCSTravel @vogueczechoslovakia , October Issue.
At first glance, the villa stands out with its curved terraces flowing seamlessly into the garden, evoking the sleek form of a ship.
This architectural marvel, famously nicknamed the „noodle steam ship,“ becomes the centerpiece of an extraordinary journey.
Join Angelina Usanova as she explores the iconic Haus Schminke, captured through the lens of Director Jánik von Wilmsdorff and Photographer Diane Betties.
Their collaboration unfolds in a series of breathtaking moments, culminating in a stunning photo shoot that graces the cover of the very first #VogueCSTravel supplement.
Directed by & DoP: Jánik von Wilmsdorff
B-Cam: Lukas Kraus
Edit & Grading: Jánik von Wilmsdorff
Composition & Sound Design: Johannes Grote
Photo & Creative Director: Diane Betties
Publisher: Michaela Seewald
Editor-in-Chief: Danica Kovarova
Fashion Director & Styling: Milena Zuravljova
Art Director: Robert Kovac
Talent: Angelina Usanova
Hair: Petra Měchurová
Make-up: Martina Routková
Set Design: Kalle Hildinger
Production: Monina Nevrla
Location: Haus Schminke
Photo Retouch: Kushtrim Kunushevci
Photo Assistant: David Surowiecki
Stylist Assistant: Žanet Procházková
#vogue #vogueczechoslovakia #angelinausanova